01202 421100 [email protected]

Facial Reflexology

You’ll have heard of reflexology, the therapy that works through the feet.  Facial Reflexology Sorensensistem™ works through your most visible feature – your face.

Facial Reflexology Sorensensistem™ is a complementary therapy that aims to optimise how you look and feel by addressing the factors that influence your general state of health and wellbeing.

Your face is richly supplied with nerves and blood vessels.  Its closeness to the brain may have evolved to ensure that sensory stimulus only had the shortest route to travel to the control centre of the body to address your health imbalances.

In a Sorensensistem™ treatment session, the entire surface of the face (except the eyelids) is potentially stimulated, initiating a natural improvement in the blood and energetic circulation in the body, nerve function to the brain, lymphatic supply and muscle tone of the face.  These all may aid in contributing to an enhanced feeling of whole-body well-being, increased relaxation – and a glowing complexion!

Facial Reflexology Sorensensistem™ was conceived over 30 years ago by Ms Lone Sorensen.  Its roots go back many centuries, drawing from a myriad of traditions and practices from around the world.  Facial Reflexology Sorensensistem™ combines the knowledge and use of Chinese energy meridians and acupuncture points, Vietnamese and South American tribal body maps, with anatomical and physiological knowledge of the body with the potential to balance the individual on all levels by promoting relaxation, the release of tension and an overall improvement of well-being.

What are the health benefits?

As a complementary therapy, Facial Reflexology Sorensensistem™ is addressing the individual holistically – increasing levels of relaxation and thereby improving the client’s sense of well-being on all aspects: emotional, physical, mental and energetic. Therefore any imbalance within an individual can potentially benefit, including the general effects of a stressful lifestyle.

Sorensensistem™ is appropriate for all ages – from the newly born baby through to the infirm and the elderly.

What should I expect when I go for a treatment?

I will take a medical history from you.  This information will be kept confidential.  I will also check to make sure you are not allergic to any face creams.  I do tend to use the make Simple as this seems to suit most skin types. I will then devise a treatment plan.

Reflexology is a very easy therapy to receive – depending on the type of reflexology, the most clothing that will have to be removed for a treatment to take place will be your socks and shoes.

I will then use my hands to apply pressure to the feet, lower leg, hands, ears or face, depending on the type of reflexology chosen.  You may feel areas of transient discomfort during the treatment, but generally the experience should feel very relaxing. Many people fall asleep.

I may recommend a course of treatments.

Can I wear make-up?

It is best to come make-up free on face.  Although I can remove make up if you wish.  I can still do the treatment if makeup is preferred to stay on.

Does facial reflexology hurt at all?

There is gentle pressure on your face, like a facial. There will be stroking/sliding movement, circular movement, and pulsing, holding pressure on points.

How long is a session?

The session lasts for an hour.

How much does it cost?

The cost of each session is £42.  Concessions do apply.  Please take a look at my Price List.